20 November 2023

Since 2006, the Coordinated Imagery Program (CIP) has managed the acquisition of high-quality elevation data and delivered over 130 projects for public sector partners. A  webpage of major LiDAR projects has been launched, featuring examples of the elevation data available across the state.

The projects featured have been used for a range of purposes including flood and bushfire planning, infrastructure planning, environmental monitoring and supporting traditional owner cultural heritage use cases.

Projects listed include:

  • Victoria's largest ever LiDAR survey capturing data over 99% of the state's populated areas as part of the Digital Twin Victoria program.
  • High-density LiDAR of the UNESCO World Heritage Budj-Bim region to identify culturally significant heritage structures.
  • LiDAR capture over East Gippsland and the Central Highlands to support vegetation and forest mapping for conservation and sustainable forestry.
  • and more!

Project and technical details are available for each project, along with sample images. Download or view a sample of the data through a web browser.

The LiDAR data captured in these projects, along with a range of other elevation data, is available to Victorian state and local government agencies. Email coordinated.imagery@delwp.vic.gov.au to enquire about data access and licensing.

Learn more about our major LiDAR projects:

Page last updated: 20/11/23