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Vicmap Address is the authoritative geocoded database of property address points for Victoria.
The product predominantly includes, but not exclusively, locational property address identifiers assigned by local government. Local government is the primary creator and custodian of property addresses.
Vicmap Address also contains, where accessible, other 'real life' property addresses created and used by the community but not recognised by local government. Examples include: retirement villages, assisted care facilities, industrial estates, alpine resorts and public housing estates.
Vicmap Address can be used to map the location of addressed assets or to verify the content of business address data.
Vicmap Address includes:
- street number and street name
- locality
- cross-reference to local government
- postcode and state
- cross-reference to Vicmap Property
- census district attribute.
Vicmap Address does not include non-property related and electronic address details such as email, post office (PO) boxes, roadside delivery points and roadside mailboxes.
The minimum address attributes required for a property address to be included in Vicmap Address are road name and locality.
The standard address details include the unit/house number(s), road name (including any type or suffix) and locality (town/suburb/rural district).
Explore data
You can explore Vicmap data in a web mapping service before you download:
Access data
You can access Vicmap Address from the Data.Vic platform under a Creative Commons license.
- Access Vicmap Address in Data.Vic
- Access via the Vicmap as a Service platform on ArcGIS Online
Technical detail
Source information | Various – refer to the Product Description |
Coverage | Statewide |
Currency | Updated weekly |
Scale of capture | Based on scale of capture (between 1:480 and 1:25,000) of the original Vicmap Property data. For developing areas, survey-accurate CAD files ±0.1m nominal accuracy. |
Spatial accuracy | Rural property entrance locations for distance-based addressing (i.e. Rural Road Numbers) captured via GPS or submetre accuracy aerial photography. Urban addresses are generally located at an 8 m offset from the relevant property road frontage based on scale of capture (between 1:500 and 1:2,500) of the original Vicmap Property data. |
Where reasonably practicable, Vicmap complies with the FAIR data principle: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. This is why Vicmap is available in a range of data formats and datums.
For details, please review the Vicmap product specification below.
Product resources
How to get help
Vicmap customers and business custodians can contact the Vicmap helpdesk for product information and support.
Page last updated: 18/11/24