28 November 2023

Vicmap Topographic Mapping is now available as a statewide raster tiled map service in VicGrid 2020 as well as in a new greyscale format. The topographic basemap is part of the Vicmap Basemap product and is updated every year before the fire season using the latest Vicmap data.

The topographic basemap can be viewed in 12 different zoom scales, from a 1:8,000,000 statewide view to a 1:2,500 cadastral view, and displays topographic, cultural and administrative information across Victoria.

The introduction of a greyscale map means that users can now switch between colour and greyscale versions on demand. Both versions are available in Vicgrid2020 and Web Mercator formats.

The greyscale map is ideal for a map base background, removing visual distractions and helping to emphasise important information displayed over the top, such as the planned route to an emergency.

Importantly, the greyscale map has been created to ensure accessibility for all users and adheres to the Victorian Government’s accessibility guidelines.

The features and depiction style of the colour product are similar to Vicmap Topographic GeoPDFs, which are available through Vicmap Viewer and Vicmap Topo Online.

Vicmap Basemap - Topographic can be accessed via the Vicmap as a Service platform on ArcGIS Online or uploaded and published to your own ArcGIS platforms. The topographic basemap is available to users under a user licence.

For more information on this and other Vicmap Basemap products, contact vicmap@delwp.vic.gov.au or read more:

Page last updated: 23/02/24