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Participation Rules and Operating Requirements for electronic conveyancing transactions

ARNECC has approved an extension to the deadline for comments on the Model Operating Requirements and Model Participation Rules – Version 6 Consultation Drafts.

The information relating to the proposed changes presented at the Industry Forum held on 5 February 2020 has now been published on the ARNECC website. A record of the Q&A session is also being prepared and will be available on the ARNECC website in the next few days.  Thank you to those stakeholders who were able to attend the forum last week – your insights were invaluable and ARNECC looks forward to receiving your feedback in writing.  Once the feedback on Consultation Drafts 6 has been assessed, an amended implementation timeline will be advised.

Your review and feedback on Consultation Drafts 6 is now required no later than close of business Monday, 2 March 2020 and submissions should be sent by email to chair@arnecc.gov.au.

The Model Participation Rules Version 6 Consultation Draft  and Model Operating Requirements Version 6 Consultation Draft  are published on the ARNECC website at  https://www.arnecc.gov.au/resources/consultation/model_participation_rules and https://www.arnecc.gov.au/resources/consultation/model_operating_requirements.

Page last updated: 11/07/23