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About the workshops

Since 2018, we have delivered eight Aboriginal-led workshops.

‘Our language matters’ workshops:

  • recognise the importance of Aboriginal place names
  • strengthen partnerships with Traditional Owners (TOs)
  • increase the number of Aboriginal place names throughout Victoria

We will continue to deliver activities that protect, preserve and honour Victoria’s Aboriginal languages.

Award-winning approach

We have been recognised by the Good Design Social Impact Award 2019.

The workshops aim to:

  • promote the importance of Aboriginal language in the naming of roads, features and localities
  • further strengthen relationships with Traditional Owners to support collaborative naming and identify Traditional names for potential registration, for updating or dual naming and for new roads, features and localities.


The workshops partnered with:

  • Registered Aboriginal Parties (RAPs)
  • local government (primary naming authorities)
  • state government and relevant stakeholders

Participants include:

  • representatives from local government areas
  • emergency services
  • planners, surveyors, developers

Links with other initiatives

This important work contributes to Victoria’s initiatives supporting:

Protecting and preserving Aboriginal Languages

There are various examples across our state where Local Government Authorities (LGA) have worked in successful partnership with Traditional Owners to name or rename places in their communities.

For more information, visit what we do.

Page last updated: 11/07/23