22 April 2021

Geographic Names Victoria (GNV) has completed the first consultation phase of the 2020-21 naming rules review.

The consultation and engagement process, run through Engage Victoria, has reached more stakeholders than ever before.

The site has received more than 450 contributions, including over 400 made by members of the public.

The 2020-21 review is the first-time members of the public have had the opportunity to take part in the engagement and make submissions to the review.

The engagement has also included three virtual workshops to discuss the review and process.

Early feedback is showing that the Victorian community wants to see more multicultural names, reflecting our multicultural society.

Participants were also supportive of more Aboriginal naming through the recognition of Aboriginal people and use of Aboriginal languages.

A focus for the 2020-21 review is to promote greater diversity when deciding on place names for the future. You can read more in ensuring equality and inclusion in place names.

Next steps for the review include continued engagement with the naming rules review committee, compiling feedback and drafting the new naming rules.

GNV will continue to engage with Traditional Owners throughout the review. We have created a Traditional Owner Reference Group to support ongoing discussions. Traditional Owners will also consult with a Municipal Council Reference Group.

The draft naming rules will be available for comment for a period of four weeks in July 2021 with an anticipated release of the finalised document in December 2021.

Naming is essential to identify locations for managing emergencies, efficiently delivering goods and services, protecting communities and preserving our cultural heritage.

GNV reviews Victoria’s place naming rules every five years.

You can continue to track the progress of the review on Engage Victoria.

Page last updated: 22/04/21